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Our Activated Turmeric Paste

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What does Activated mean?


Curcumin, the main active ingredient in turmeric isn’t absorbed well into our bloodstream. Our livers like to make some substances water soluble so that they can easily pass through.  This is what happens with curcumin.  Once  curcumin enters the body it is rapidly absorbed into the liver and intestine wall. This means that most of the turmeric that is ingested goes unused by the body….unless it is consumed with black pepper and fat.

Black Pepper - black pepper contains piperine, a powerful drug inhibitor which slows the absorption process.

Coconut Oil - Turmeric is fat soluble (dissolves in fat) so this means fat must be added so that the curcumin is absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the lymphatic system, skipping over the liver.


Golden Activated Turmeric paste contains only the good stuff!!

1 Teaspoon = approximately 2000mg curcumin


Turmeric 5% curcumin

Black Pepper

Organic Coconut Oil


Sri Lankan Cinnamon



Golden Activated Chai Turmeric paste contains only the good stuff!!

1 Teaspoon = approximately 2000mg curcumin


Turmeric 5% curcumin

Black Pepper

Organic Coconut Oil


Sri Lankan Cinnamon


All Spice




Ayurvedic medicine (also called Ayurveda) is one of the world’s oldest medical systems. It originated in India more than 3,000 years ago and remains one of the country’s traditional health care systems.  Turmeric, Ginger, Cinnamon, Black Pepper and Coconut Oil are commonly used ingredients in Ayurvedic therapeutic health remedies.


Turmeric -  Curcuma longa, is one of the most well-known, widely researched, and commonly used Ayurvedic spices in the world. There’s hardly a system in the body that isn’t supported by the powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities of this healing spice. It has a particular affinity for the blood, and is thereby able to circulate its powerful health benefits throughout the body especially once it has been activated.


Black Pepper -  piperine, the active ingredient of black pepper (piper nigrum), when combined with turmeric increases the bio-availablity (body’s absorption) up to 2000% more.  Black pepper is considered an important healing spice in Ayurveda.  It has cleansing and antioxidant properties.  It helps the free flow of oxygen to the brain, helps enhance digestion and circulation, stimulates the appetite, and helps maintain respiratory system health and health of the joints.


Ginger - Traditional Ayurvedic practises recommend ginger for therapeutic use for joint pain, motion or airsickness,  treating nausea, reducing muscle pain/soreness, clearing the microcirculatory, facilitate greater absorption of nutrients, improves elimination of wastes, improving digestion, and for its pro-analgesic effects on  the joints.


Cinnamon - Cinnamon in Ayurvedic practises is know to improve digestion and absorption and promotes elimination.  It is know to remove toxins from the body, improves circulation and warming the kidneys.  Additionally, cinnamon may be used in the treatment of respiratory and sinus congestion, bronchitis, and assist in cold and flu symptoms.  It is both an expectorant and a decongestant. 


Coconut Oil -  Ayurvedic medicine had recognised coconut oil to be beneficial as much as 3000 years ago.  Coconut oil has several antioxidants, antibacterial, anti fungal and antimicrobial properties. It is known to improve the immune system, beneficial for internal organs such as the kidneys, heart and liver. Medium chain fatty acids (MCT) assist in maintaining liver health and minimizing free radical formation. Added therapeutic benefits of coconut oil are - skin care, weight loss, maintaining proper cholesterol levels, hair care, maintaining digestion and metabolism.


Cardamom -It beats bad mouth odour and helps to clear taste buds. It reduces nausea, vomiting, indigestion, flatulence and bloating of stomach. Hence it is very useful in digestive system related problems.

As a spice it helps to reduce cholesterol level and keeps heart healthy.  It acts as a good expectorant and helps to remove excess phlem from respiratory system. It can be used as best remedy in cough and cold.  It acts as a diuretic and increases urine output.  It boosts body energy and strengthens the body tissues.


All Spice - Can treat respiratory problems, helps cure digestive disorders, relieves rheumatic and muscular pain, can have positive effects on degenerative and cancerous disease, calms the mind and body


Cloves - Can temporarily treat a toothache, can relieve upper respiratory infections, aids in reducing inflammation, treats scrapes and bruises, aids in improving digestion, can enhance sexual health.

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